kiriparker9Jan 12, 2022TRIP TO HISTORIC BATH POEM 40Cold and miserable days keep the lady inside the house, with many things to think about. So what are we to do? Well rouse ourselves with...
kiriparker9Jan 11, 2022TRIP TO HISTORIC BATH POEM 39A blustery wind blew today and with it took all my thoughts. Fortune knocks the door and new beginnings come in with the changeable wind....
kiriparker9Jan 10, 2022TRIP TO HISTORIC BATH POEM 38Is Winter Wintersome like tired is tiresome? The days are short and feel longer for the weather and perhaps the Winter is Wintersome. The...
kiriparker9Jan 9, 2022TRIP TO HISTORIC BATH POEM 37The sun was out today, but it did not allay the mushy mud of the field. As strong as the light was, the dreary rain had soaked the turf...