kiriparker9Jan 16, 2022TRIP TO HISTORIC BATH POEM 44We approach the New Year for China - a Luna New Year. There is destruction and chaos and this brings about the newness of life. So in the...
kiriparker9Jan 15, 2022TRIP TO HISTORIC BATH POEM 43A flicker of light from a candle can light a whole room. This light will enable us to work or do other things we might not be able to do....
kiriparker9Jan 14, 2022TRIP TO HISTORIC BATH POEM 42The sun was shining. The light was bright and penetrating. To see the life in the grass was to contrast with the resting trees. Spring is...
kiriparker9Jan 13, 2022TRIP TO HISTORIC BATH POEM 41To share is to live. Sharing of yourself is very difficult sometimes, as you want to hide from the World and be a churl yourself. So the...