kiriparker9Jan 29, 2022TRIP TO HISTORIC BATH POEM 56The sunlight dapples through a tree. We weather a storm. One finds the sunlight in a bad situation, as one walks towards the brighter...
kiriparker9Jan 28, 2022TRIP TO HISTORIC BATH POEM 55The Spring comes soon and all life will be around again. January is almost over and so Chinese New Year comes. “O sky above me, you...
kiriparker9Jan 28, 2022TRIP TO HISTORIC BATH POEM 54The breeze can be high and blustery, as it was today. It is a metaphor for change arriving. What is it that you decided to change this...
kiriparker9Jan 26, 2022TRIP TO HISTORIC BATH POEM 53As each tree leaf is different to the next, even on the same tree, so is love different for each person. Would a Platonic love look like...