The Spring comes soon and all life will be around again. January is almost over and so Chinese New Year comes.
“O sky above me, you modest, glowing sky! O you, my happiness before sunrise! Day is coming: so let us part!” Friedrich Nietzsche

My Point Of View
Before the sunrise my love,
We will be united as one,
And we shall never part,
For there will only be us.
It is not too late for we love,
And our hearts cannot beat,
A different tune from the other,
Our life is always to be ours.
At the break of day we will know,
And we will never truly suffer,
For this is what we chose,
And it was good my love.
Time will escape us and bitterness too,
By the light of both the sun and moon,
We live tenderly and with truth,
So that it is beyond even ourselves.
It was as if the morning stood still, as if the sun had stopped for an immeasurable moment. In this light and silence, years of night and fury melted slowly away. I listened to an almost forgotten sound within myself, as if my heart had long been stopped and was now gently beginning to beat again.” Albert Camus