kiriparker9Jul 17, 2022SALISBURY JUNCTIONS POEM 6The shimmering heat touches the grass to brown and the trees shade still having drunk deep. Luxuriant in heat the shadows creep and...
kiriparker9Jul 16, 2022SALISBURY JUNCTIONS POEM 5To act rashly in the heat is normal, our natural temper augmented by the Summer long. It is normal to break into a tantrum, rather than...
kiriparker9Jul 15, 2022SALISBURY JUNCTIONS POEM 4The tempest rages in the Summer heat. Our tempers frayed it seems as if the storm has come, even when the sun shines brightly. The cool...
kiriparker9Jul 14, 2022SALISBURY JUNCTIONS POEM 3There is little time to finish all the tasks we have. To plod along is my only option, so I continue, my list of things to do growing,...