The shimmering heat touches the grass to brown and the trees shade still having drunk deep. Luxuriant in heat the shadows creep and lengthen the hour.
“If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets.” Haruki Murakami

It’s all too brief our love affair,
The golden cusp descending to relieve,
The sky of his light to rest,
The darkness overshadowing the morn.
A strip of light remains,
Full golden in its iridescent slumber,
The chastened grass relaxed in its relief,
Unburdened of its task it sleeps.
Our lives are also all too brief,
The shadow drawing its close on us as well,
The briefest moment is an eternity in the mind,
A relief etched on memory.
So memories we have and keep them well,
Soon lives our affair and on live we,
A precious drink on which to sup,
Soon to life we go holding this great cup.
“It was love at first sight, at last sight, at ever and ever sight.” Vladimir Nabokov