kiriparker9Aug 10, 2022SALISBURY PERSPECTIVES POEM 9The heat is stagnant and the leaves barely move, it is the time of quiet and we work on. "The whole earth is the tomb of heroic men and...
kiriparker9Aug 9, 2022SALISBURY PERSPECTIVES POEM 8The heat is sultry and dances around one's body like a tango. Back and forth it sways rhythmically mesmerising one to its purpose. “My...
kiriparker9Aug 8, 2022SALISBURY PERSPECTIVES POEM 7To explore can be literal or metaphorical. Walking through the wood, we find so many things familiar and strange. Writing is a little...
kiriparker9Aug 7, 2022SALISBURY PERSPECTIVES POEM 6To the left or to the right? Both perhaps. "If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavours to live the life...