To explore can be literal or metaphorical. Walking through the wood, we find so many things familiar and strange. Writing is a little like this.
“The cause is hidden. The effect is visible to all.” Ovid

The light is hidden from our view,
Full covered by the wooded scene,
Our hearts heavy and laden we tramp,
Our feet a clodded pad our senses sodden.
What precious thing did we lose,
The heightened aspect took us so high,
That we did not see the special item,
Drop from our heady height pursued?
The daily doldrum has taken its course,
A painful cure no doubt for madness,
Too high, too bright, too full for our senses,
A safer course is needed to restore our goal.
So we are hidden from view as is the light,
For it too is too bright to bear at its height,
The glare is blinding so to see once again,
We return to ourselves and breathe once more.
"Beauty is a manifestation of secret natural laws, which otherwise would have been hidden from us forever." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe