kiriparker9Aug 15, 2021REVERIE POEM 5Taking life as it is and spending it to the full is sometimes all we can do. To make a metamorphosis artistically, they say you must be...
kiriparker9Aug 14, 2021REVERIE POEM 4Nature, love and happiness! I am at my best on a hike or immersed in nature - the blood rushes around your body as you pant from running...
kiriparker9Aug 13, 2021REVERIE POEM 3Sometimes our struggles are internal, sometimes our struggles are external - the two influence the others. All we can do is hope and...
kiriparker9Aug 12, 2021REVERIE POEM 2Sometimes you feel like life is failing you or at least, you are failing yourself. I looked to something bigger than myself and sometimes...