Taking life as it is and spending it to the full is sometimes all we can do. To make a metamorphosis artistically, they say you must be as the butterfly and cocoon yourself in artistry and introspection. Life is life and love is love and it joins us all together.
"The books we need are of the kind that act upon us like a misfortune, that makes us suffer like the death of someone we love more than ourselves, that make us feel as though we were on the verge of suicide, lost in a forest remoted from all human habitation." Franz Kafka

Rendering our love on white sheets
We perfected perfection
Spending our youthful juices
We bit into life.
Grasping the fruit we lost time
There was only love.
Together in our youthful splendour
No one denied us a thing.
What was there but splendour?
Pleasure and emotion fused in a
Physical space.
Pressure and innocence creating.
Where am I now?
Nowhere and everywhere.
Throughout ourselves
And without ourselves.
Forever a medley of each other
They stood
An emblem of our love
Created in splendour.
"Speak Little. Learn the words of eternity. Go beyond your tangled thoughts and find the splendour of paradise." Rumi