Honesty is important to an artist, as something true is valued more highly than something that is pastiche or copy of another artist's vision. To find your artistic voice, you must go through the period of creating as another does - learning your craft. After this, you are stretched and made individual, and this is when you can create your masterpiece, that is all your own. This is the beginning of the artist's journey in a sense, as then you are expected to develop from that place into an artist. So, as we begin, we find we have not begun, but only travail to the starting point.
“The true work of art leads us from that which exists only once and never again, i.e. the individual, to that which exists perpetually and time and time again in innumerable manifestations, the pure form or Idea". Arthur Schopenhauer
I’m defenceless with my gate wide open,
Pretence is of naught,
For to be conquered is inevitable,
For there is no force or charge.
Wide open and broad is our gate,
With smiles we usher in death,
In a thousand forms as friends,
Though poisonous and ruinous they be.
There is no light to bear them away,
As their lies are thick and black,
And coat the glass as if arms,
It is in our breath and being intact.
Here I am pretending for pretence,
Is all one can pertain to alone,
A defenceless defence the lies are
Transparent and gloss the truth.
“When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.” Ansel Adams