Companionship comes in many forms, but nothing so comforting, nor so loyal as a furry friend. Pets are lovely and mean that you are never really lonely. I have had many times when I have been glad to have a cat for company, because they do not ask questions while you type away. They are companionable even though they only need their daily feed and water to be your friend.
"What greater gift than the love of a cat?" Charles Dickens

The Alley
Beside the lane I spied a cat,
He followed us with curiosity,
All ginger covered he sat,
Contented but without a mat.
The curious cat decided we were friends,
And told us to that end,
By nestling close and marking us as his,
A faithful tom he gave us all a kiss.
Sir William of the Garter was his name,
And even we had heard of his great fame
And valour in the field of battle,
So we were glad to accept his favour true.
He told us of his story and it was very
Sad we had not known him personally before,
So here a happy coincidence of War,
He needed shelter and found us most convenient.
So here we are a family of four,
Content with home we could travel no more,
For Sir William must protect his realm,
And well we know that home is where the heart is.
"I am the Cat who walks by himself, and all places are alike to me." Rudyard Kipling