Life can be hard sometimes. They say, only things that take real effort are really worth having. They also talk of things being tried by time or by fire, even, as if our souls were swords being forged by it. It is true that overcoming challenges do deepen a person's aspect, the eyes being the mirror of the soul. This also comes out in one's creative process, with the final result displaying what has moulded us. It is what makes being an artist so intimate with one's audience, even if the relationship is only via metaphor.
“It is not time or opportunity that is to determine intimacy;—it is disposition alone. Seven years would be insufficient to make some people acquainted with each other, and seven days are more than enough for others.” Jane Austen

Up the Hill
So we trudge up the hill,
Towards our destiny.
It is not the same as others,
But it is now joint.
Foot one before the other,
Is how to approach it,
As we amble towards the future,
I feel bold and brave.
There is no one but us,
Although we are in a crowd,
And friends arrive,
We love and live.
These poems are for you,
And for our child,
To know the measure of my love,
For you.
It is not a list of accounts,
Nor a history,
These are my poems,
Written in ink as true as I can be.
Sometimes you must go uphill,
To reach the summit,
You cannot avoid a peak,
If you are to see the view.
“Because I couldn’t bear the thought of her so much as touching another man, I feared it all the time, and I saw intimacy in the most casual movement of her hand.” Graham Greene