Sometimes you need someone to fight your battle for you - to take your side. Finding collaborators is difficult, even in these modern times with so much communicative ability, and it has to be the right fit. My collaboration is with Wix with this site, YouTube for the video project, and Pinterest for my artwork and crafts. Further I am also promoting myself with Twitter and Tumblr. I am also collaborating with artists in music and have formed Route 69. Check out our advent calendar at Also my Facebook Musician/Band page has some of our work, as well as the singer-songwriter page.
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” Helen Keller

Take Your Part
If you were to need me,
I would take your part,
For to love is to love in entirety,
So there shall be no real
Enmity between us.
If I were to need you,
Would you take my part?
I feel so and you,
Being the stronger,
I fear this is the truth.
But that is love,
Between man and woman,
They say, As woman,
Softer than the man,
Is a place for sentiment.
So to take your part,
Is no more necessary,
Than to write this,
Poesie, And yet I do,
For you have my heart.
“A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other.” Charles Dickens