There is a chill to the air today. The feeling of expectation is there for me, as tomorrow is Bonfire Night. So I am hoping for some dry weather and a clear sky to set off the fireworks.
“There is no fire like passion, there is no shark like hatred, there is no snare like folly, there is no torrent like greed.” Siddharta Gautama

I see the Church
Through the gap of the foliage,
I can see the church,
Anxiously I consider my future,
As my heart is yours.
To walk through there with another,
Would be as treading the coal,
And your delay is as if settled in ice,
So shall we cross the threshold,
Or shall I suffer?
I do not wish for you to kiss my hand,
As if I were too sacred to hold as wife,
But a chassel of honour and dignity,
While a great purpose is gilded.
One’s life is not one’s own till you take it,
But you must take life for us both,
For it is out of my grasp in such matters,
So, as wise counsel, I ask you to put down the pen,
And find me.
“Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.” Gustav Mahler