Tales of fantasy relate to your life, they say. Exploring ideas, metaphor and allegory is a journey into the mind and the culture of an artist. Hovering somewhere in us is our soul and there is a tale that the soul can join with something bigger and live in ecstasy. Artists are said, at the very highest level, to achieve a union in such a fashion. Before that is a greater understanding of oneself, if one looks back on how different the world seemed in another phase of life.
“Yes: I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.” Oscar Wilde

The Entrance
We were to enter the castle,
And with Sir William in tow,
We knew where we were to go,
And make his entrance.
He had a personal flair,
And so we could feel,
That his acceptance was
Imminent and permanent.
We walked between luxuries,
And arms of war ancient,
Of the Royals before,
As ones of ancient seat.
We found his mat,
And thought perhaps we would part,
And so with anxious and somewhat
Heavy heart we waited.
He made a bow and then he came right back,
For he was no ordinary alley cat,
And our tete a tete was complete,
And now he guards us every night.
“Our imagination flies -- we are its shadow on the earth.” Vladimir Nabokov