Confiding in someone is always something of a relief. Sharing your ideas or secrets is something that is tempting. It adds a potency to a relationship to confide in them, a closeness that you might not have in other friendships.
“Streets that follow like a tedious argument, Of insidious intent, To lead you to an overwhelming question...” T.S. Eliot

On The Boulevard
We pass on the boulevard,
A place pleasant enough,
For two walking side-by-side,
My feelings I do not hide.
It is a fine day for such a pleasure,
Strolling hand-in-hand slowly,
Taking in the crowds and the scene,
We find ourselves alone.
Behind the crowd we find our place,
For secrecy is possible there,
Beyond this bond we have,
There is nothing for we love.
A secret is to be kept my love,
And I know I will not tell,
But who cannot see our love?
Even hidden so well?
“The wild unbounded hills we ranged, While oft our talk its topic changed, And, desultory as our way, Ranged, unconfined from grave to gay. Even when it flagg'd , as oft will chance, No effort made to break its trance, We could right pleasantly pursue, Our thoughts in social silence too”. Sir Walter Scott