Updated: Dec 16, 2021
Searching within yourself is hard sometimes, as you do not know what it is that you are seeking. Transforming your work is part of being an artist - that is the more mature part of the artistic process. So, Picasso had a blue period - this is a very famous part of his career and betrayed something of him. It is a very clear defined period in his work, but all artists have these phases. There is a measure of discomfiture in this move as something new is coming out of you.
“An existing individual is constantly in process of becoming,... and translates all his thinking into terms of process. It is with (him)... as it is with a writer and his style; for he only has a style who never has anything finished, but 'moves the waters of the language' every time he begins, so that the most common expression comes into being for him with the freshness of a new birth.” Kierkegaard

Too Deep
You hurt me with your words,
For I have not learnt your ways,
I do not mean to play your heart,
Nor do I understand your sovereignty.
There is no more to my stature,
Than what you see when you look,
You look for something I cannot seek,
For I act as I act and I speak as I speak.
Your mighty command cannot move me,
For I have no grid nor map to plot,
It is not that I forget or lose the thread,
But that there is a shorter road to tread.
It is not that I do not make a mark,
But subject as I am not only to fate,
But to my family object and pride,
So that there is nothing that I truly hide.
“The artist works by locating the world in himself”. Gertrude Stein