It is cold and glum today but we survived the threat of Spring. More buds were up and it was pleasant to see them growing. Having rested all is starting to germinate, just like artists are expected to, after a period of thinking.
“Do you not see how necessary a world of pains and troubles is to school an intelligence and make it a soul?” John Keats

A Talking Point
Pretending to love you is a difficult thing,
Demanding as you are I cannot satisfy,
A broad and terrible script I would write,
And all I have is a fancy or a fable.
If I were very grand I would tell you of it,
I would retell my tales of travel,
Astounding you with adventure and wit,
Unabashed I would forge a love for us.
If there was something to tell of,
I would force a smile and be bright,
Surprising you with my force of character,
Polished I would not tell a secret.
All I have is heart and sighs,
Words designed to coax and fascinate,
But to love is a slow progression,
Unless passion is all that is desired.
“Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength.” Sigmund Freud