As the light fades in the evening, we see it progressing slower! Spring is coming and just the very first leaves are budding.
“She was the most erotic thing I’d ever seen. She was fair skinned and golden haired, full-blood Italian. The air was suddenly filled with banana leaves. We started talking and my head started to spin. Cupid’s arrow had whistled past my ears before, but this time it hit me in the heart and the weight of it dragged me overboard.” Bob Dylan

At The Forum
They stood waiting in line,
Smiling and contemplating,
To think is to exist and in lines,
We exist standing still to progress along.
There is much to be discussed,
Plans must be made and put aside,
Filing must be accomplished,
So that we know where we are.
Before we turn the corner,
We must assess and weigh,
The consequences of our steps,
So as to avoid seeing the situation.
Busying ourselves we barely notice,
The line moving up so promptly,
We enter knowing we are in,
The right place at the right time.
“This is the place of places and and it is here.” Gertrude Stein