The Spring is showing its way - today there was sun! As life begins to pick up pace from the Winter, we will see buds and baby animals.
“I am in that temper that if I were under water I would scarcely kick to come to the top.” John Keats

Desolate and apart I lie shipwrecked,
At sea I was taken by the winds,
The tides shifted my way about,
Drawn in and drawn out by the moon.
There is no part of me not shattered,
Pulled apart by the rocks nearby,
Some other clime has taken me,
A distant shore unintended and wasted.
Why did I take such a pursuit?
So risky and melancholy in the end,
To seize is to succeed in potential,
But in reality all is lost.
There is no recovery for a wreck,
No masonry or carpentry will hold,
Beside the rocks I lie splintered,
Torn apart by the waves and force.
“You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore.” William Faulkner