Things can fit together in a synergy and then your life seems to go in warp speed. Alternatively, you can feel stuck in a rut and find that nothing works out. They say that this rut is a period of creative energy, where you are making developments in yourself, if you keep working through it as an artist. You come out like a butterfly having been a caterpillar. This is the final poem I wrote from my Trip to Eltham Palace, so I look forwards to writing some more and putting up poems from my Trip to Windsor Castle.
“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” Aristotle

Safe from harm
You are my locket upon my chest,
Wound around my neck,
You hold the key to my heart,
And when we are apart, I lack for you.
A key fits only one lock,
And it opens up a trinket,
That holds what we feel dear
For you put their image in there.
They are safe locked away,
Safe from harm not to be led astray,
Like sheep who wander in the field,
Without a gate or fence to protect them.
So protect the key well,
Keep it close to your heart,
For we are yours,
And would never part from you,
By choice,
You have my heart and you have my love.
“Well, I must endure the presence of a few caterpillars if I wish to become acquainted with the butterflies.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry