So here we are in Autumn, with the leaves all changing colour and the air occasionally having a cold edge to it. It's a romantic time before you need to cuddle up and stay warm. As the Seasons change, we change too with them, growing older and hopefully wiser with each step.
"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower." Albert Camus

I know I cannot persuade you,
As it would be wrong,
To take you from your grave work,
To entertain two children.
I know I should not persuade you,
In any case as what you do is
Too grand and large to abandon,
As you would abandon civilisation itself.
But like explorers we should be,
Leaving worries and cares behind,
For others more martial to take,
So that it would be them that forsake the World.
It cannot be so very wide,
As every person seems to think
Themselves capable of taking charge,
So let them and join us at home.
It cannot be so very important,
As every person seems to think
Another course would be wise,
So let them steer and we can hide.
There are castles in the air to build,
There are flowers to be planted,
And admired and flattery
Could be acceptable to me.
So while I know I cannot persuade you,
The mountain is to be neglected,
As we have our own to attend to here,
For without you we have little cheer.
“No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace as I have seen in one autumnal face." John Donne