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Ultimately on any trip, you have to have a destination. So, if life is a journey, as is so often said, what is that destination? Some say death. That is an end, yes. Do you just let go and go towards the end or do you plan to stop offs? I think you plan them - as we have milestones. Some of them general like a Harvest Festival and some of them personal, like a career path, for example. This site is my way of giving myself a sort of milestone, something that checks off my progress and therefore keeps me in check in terms of artistic progress.


“Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and glory of the climb.” Winston S. Churchill

The Opening

Through the gate we passed,

Onto a green and even lawn,

Cultivated for even tone,

So on the path we stayed,

To maintain it so.

The smell was sweet,

The flowers’ fragrance lifted up,

To complement the verdure,

That surrounded them.

The plants and trees,

Are so placed there by a gardener,

Who by a plan defines

The shape and texture,

To please the eye.

This is how God so planned his garden,

In story we know it was more beautiful than this,

And for an apple we lost eternal bliss,

For our conscience was so curious though as to disobey.

What have we lost?

Our innocence, but in your love,

And our love of God and his garden,

Do we find our own Paradise?

I think we do, for love brings us close to him,

And lets him forgive us,

And makes us anew.

“When we really want to go for something better, we shall smash the old. Until then, any sort of proposal, or making proposals, is no more than a tiresome game for self-important people.” D. H. Lawrence



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