Staring at a point is a metaphor for infinity - as you cannot see the end or the beginning. It is a concept that is difficult to grasp, but infinite love is something that we know exists, and it is often compared to the love of a mother for her child. When you stare into the infinite on some level you understand, but in a logical way it is impossible to grasp. It is in 'the moment' that the artist grasps the infinite - something undefinably bigger than them.
“An infinity of passion can be contained in one minute, like a crowd in a small space.” Gustave Flaubert

Along the Wall
My eye navigates along the curve,
The end of the wall is not distinct,
For the curve naturally hides itself,
And so we could be looking at infinity itself.
Love is infinite in its abstract form,
And my love for you seems boundless
In nature,
Like to love of a child for its mother,
Before he is full-suckled.
For us love is an eternal concept,
But also an undefinable reality,
I pen an ode to define my feeling,
But this does not definite the pulse
In your vein that quickens on seeing me,
Nor the light inexplicable in your eyes,
When you make a kind smile.
Your pupil dilates to let in and
Reflect more light as you see me,
But this does not explain the
Action and intent I see.
It is, I think, your soul I see,
And it reflects mine for love.
“Meditation is the dissolution of thoughts in Eternal awareness or Pure consciousness without objectification, knowing without thinking, merging finitude in infinity.” Voltaire