When you define your power, it can be scary. Rather than letting life's events get in the way, you take a decisive action, which provoke the need for more! You are shaping your own life and influencing your and other's situation. So, for an artist, to release your work to the public can be a tremulous experience - what will the repercussions be inwardly and outwardly?
“Good and evil both increase at compound interest. That is why the little decisions you and I make every day are of such infinite importance. The smallest good act today is the capture of a strategic point from which, a few months later, you may be able to go on to victories you never dreamed of." C.S. Lewis

Between the posts of a gate,
Lay a bridge,
Under the bridge,
Lay a garden.
Beyond the garden,
There was a stately pile,
With gothic arches,
Once laid by a King.
The dappled light,
Lay on the mossy stones of the wall,
It also entered the hall,
Touching the bearings of the wall,
And the soft-touched weaving of
The tapestry and furnished chair.
On the bush and stem the light
Cast a shadow,
The darkened shade was
Betwixt the formed shapes,
Cultivated for the task.
We too cast a shadow,
The light touching our forms,
And penetrating only between.
Our shape reversed in light,
Becomes a form itself,
Darkness becoming the defined shape
We see,
Rather than defining the mirrored light
Itself upon the form.
So it is my love, that our actions,
Are more formative,
Than the lines themselves.
"The consequences of an act affect the probability of its occurring again." B.F. Skinner