Sometimes what you truly desire seems out of reach. This is sometimes permanent and sometimes it is a process to get there. Often, when something seems out of reach, the path towards it is imperceptible until you finally get it. So, riding a bike without stabilisers, may seem like an Everest. A couple years later, after a few failed attempts, you do not even think about it. There is no need to think about all the individual co-ordinations you would need to impulse the bike forwards with your feet alone. So it is with art, so we practice unfailingly till we notice that we can in fact reach the moon after all!
“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” Robert F. Kennedy
Broad Views
Through the leafy façade,
I see the view,
Down the perspective of the hill,
I see the lake.
Beside the lake you stand,
I watch idly,
But with intensity of the glare,
That sits on the grass.
What do I see?
I see my future,
I see my past,
I see a thousand notions of Romance,
Stored up from childish readings of books,
I see the lake, the trees, a house,
And my love.
“Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible.” Albert Einstein