Relying on people is the easiest thing in the World in theory, as you just trust them to help you when you need it. After a few let downs, this simple recourse becomes very difficult indeed. What if they do not follow through when you really need them? People act on the basis that you have other people to rely on too, so if the help of another is not available, someone else can step in. Love is deeper than that - it is a reliance on someone else you do not even notice - it is imperceptible.
“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.” Carl Jung

The Brave
We are the brave ones,
My love,
We do not run from each other,
Nor do we pretend to
Another’s life or circumstances,
But carve our own life.
The wood is here,
And our tale is clear,
For we have planned,
Before we even met,
Or dreamt of meeting,
With our action of conscience.
I free in spirit,
And you of the earth,
We match like wind and rain,
Or the elements that make up
Rock – the flinty steel contained
In an encasement of solidity,
Fashioned by the pressure of the ages.
A flint abrased can light:
There is our spark,
Creative in its exercise,
Portended by the air between.
A flame spontaneous,
As to light a fire for warmth,
To last the night.
You are brave for me and I for you.
“I used to advertise my loyalty and I don't believe there is a single person I loved that I didn't eventually betray.” Albert Camus