Habit is a tricky thing. People get into bad habits. We habitually forget to look after ourselves, for example, in the rush of getting things done. We can also have good habits. So, as an artist you are trying to make those good habits lead to productivity - creation of beautiful works. Remaking yourself is something that people talk about with visual artists and pop artists a lot. You are recreating yourself. This is a literal process - as your habits and therefore actions are evolving and you yourself are a different person, according to this theory. It of course can mean also choosing to wear a different colour than you usually do or drinking a diet of green tea regularly. All the milestones of life require you to recreate yourself - that's the challenge but also the deep reward people feel after achieving that milestone.
"A person can stand almost anything except a succession of ordinary days." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Holding time between us,
We stole our glances,
The light refracted gave us,
Different impression,
Printed on our memory,
We held different remembrances,
Although the location and occurrence,
Were the same.
The branch connected us,
And we understood,
But what we understood
Was different,
For our experience and perception
Although what was said and understood,
Was the same.
A braver pair there was not,
For despite our differences,
We shared the same life.
"Nothing worth having was ever achieved without effort." Theodore Roosevelt