Do you have a plan? Even the best laid plans are interrupted by circumstance. Life is not like a map in this case and so the metaphor begins to weaken. Is life a plan? Yes it is - but it is not our plan always. If it has to be your plan all the time people call you a 'control freak'. So in the artistic process, you aim to 'let go', just like in yoga. Where would that take you?
"To lose balance sometimes for love is part of living a balanced life." Elizabeth Gilbert

The Meeting
Between the two chairs was a table,
The table between two powers of different state,
A meeting occurred and decisions were made,
But where was I in this, my love?
An assignation, a twist in the plot
To be disposed of?
This did not sound like my fate.
As my eye travels across the globe
Affixed in a frame of wood,
I wonder where you will land,
Setting my course I set my will.
Across the land, across the water,
You followed me and so as I alight,
A familiar shape greets me,
But I am not alone.
“We sold ourselves for love but now we are free, I’m so sorry for that ghost I made you be, Only one of us was real and that was me.” Leonard Cohen