I love maps. I love tracing the journey and plotting the route. I imagine each part and what the scenery may be like, as I make the route list. So I am a person that likes a plan. Courageous as I can be, this is a circumspect nature.
“Regular maps have few surprises: their contour lines reveal where the Andes are, and are reasonably clear. More precious, though, are the unpublished maps we make ourselves". Alexander McCall Smith
How can you touch me so
Without a plan?
A mission is not begun
Without a schedule,
A journey does not begin
Without a route.
To journey over my map
Is treacherous and to improvise
Is a technique I agree,
But one of music.
When a teacher provides the lesson
They have learnt rhetoric and discussed theme
And planned their discourse accordingly,
They have understood the subject
And their student before the lesson begins.
So I am most perturbed,
This insolence shall be punished,
For a map is necessary to know the use of North and South,
Are you the compass and measure?
And I the land?
“And outside the window was like a map, except it was in 3 dimensions and it was life-size because it was the thing it was a map of.” Mark Haddon