I spied the Captain standing there proudly by his ship. A seagull stood with the boats ashore and posed for me, as I snapped.
"The problem is not the problem, The problem is your attitude about the problem." Captain Jack Sparrow

The Vessel
I touched upon the subject
And found that there was little space
For contradiction or clarification
As a spinning wheel attaches to the thread
So our love co-exists.
Time spun a web
And life came to a shape
A vessel to alight and board
Consciously and unconsciously
Till we are wasted and worn
By our efforts.
The space in which we live
Is the same as before
The life which we live
Is not one of suffering or difference
But of occasion and memory well-kept.
Before we embark
Do we know what lies ahead?
Is this a journey or an ascent?
Is it a mountain we climb
Or do we raise our eyes to the heavens?
So we live as we live and love as we love ...
Love is threaded through like this. It is knitted and pearled together like a baby blanket or a coverlet from wool and only grows thick and even with continued twisting and entwining. Kiri Parker Horizon Point
This is my last poem from my trip to Deal. I have another set of poems to put up, inspired by life and the sea. It is called Partitions - I will put it up over the days and I hope you are enjoying sharing with me!