I spied a peeping Tom through the changing huts that are all the rage, due to the need to stay-cation. The vessel was on the shore and there was possibility and change, as a visual metaphor, right there.

Love Nest
Bridging two gaps between us,
We build a home not unlike a nest
Of a bird
The parallel lines of our life
Intertwine and opposites of attraction
Tract and pull
Towards a finality.
When a Schachtel test is folded
There is no line but when its opened again
Twin towers of ink telling a tale deep
That only we knew on first glance.
This is a confession my love,
For I knew what you did not know –
That my love is true and rare
And proven as metal is by heat.
Between the lines we have
There were no lies
But of identity and trend.
For whom we worked we did not know,
But whom we loved was clear,
I do not fear, my love, as we have found a home.
"We've become a race of Peeping Toms. What people oughta do is get outside their own house and look in for a change." John Michael Hayes