Walking along the beach we came across a curious sight. A sign. It beckoned the visitor to the water with the most unusual promise ...
Sun, Sea and Sausage Rolls
You took it wrong as you
Thought from my smile and kindness
That you could pay for my love
We did not discuss the terms of payment –
a monthly schedule or pay as you go,
For I did not have an ad to call.
There is fun to be had in the sun,
The sea is slick and frivolous,
And so can be love.
It is a game, a delight, a sport,
A starter,
A harder lover would laugh and
Roll over for the price is good,
And life is short.
The term of endearment to provoke
Such an engagement I did not hear
For I was not primed for such an occasion.
Centred on a centreless centrifugal force
We ended up with sausage rolls and tea
Rather than the sport of the tenacious tongue.
"Pride is all very well, but a sausage is a sausage." Terry Pratchett