The haze of the heat can effect the mind, they say. It had not yet accomplished this on me, as the heat wanes.
“The beginning is the most important part of the work.” Plato

The Beginning
Here we are at the beginning,
At the start of the plan,
The world sweeps before us,
Take my hand and we will go.
The warp of the wood has direction,
And so do we imprinted on our souls,
To join them they must match they say,
Locked together before the fray.
Our time is now complete as we are,
Bound by our conjoined destiny,
We must walk in time step by step,
Our life no longer our own but joint.
Twixt us there is no boundary,
As love unites the soul and body,
So we are at the beginning my love,
Take my hand as I need you so.
“It is through wonder that men now begin and originally began to philosophize; wondering in the first place at obvious perplexities, and then by gradual progression raising questions about the greater matters too.” Aristotle