A new set of photographs, a new journey. It is Summer again and I am still rooting through the photographs from our Cornwall holiday. This looks back to our trip to Salisbury, on the way to Stonehenge.
“Not marble, nor the gilded monuments of princes, shall outlive this powerful rhyme". William Shakespeare

The Straight Path
The path is easily discerned before us,
Striding through the heat we are young,
Undeterred by the sun above us,
We progress along nicely without haste or measure.
To the left are thorny bushes thick and coarse,
A snare for you and I that we easily miss,
For we are young and keep to our purpose,
Along the track lies our destiny and end.
To the right we see the barbed fence and grass,
Clearly as unhidden it stands guard,
We are brave and continue undeterred again,
For our intentions are clear and good.
We pace along the straight path predestined,
We do not argue with its conclusion,
We being intended for such and therefore,
Pulled along as if there were no path at all.
“Don't keep forever on the public road, going only where others have gone.” Alexander Graham Bell