Lost chances, hopeless dreams and love's delusions all fall in the category of fond memory with enough time. The momentary tragic becomes whimsical and even childish, but as the wise continue to live like children, we continue to fall and take our dreams and run.
“You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will live as one.” John Lennon

“My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite." William Shakespeare
Perhaps a life of luxury was what she wanted,
Cleaning certainly was not it.
She got into the carriage,
The bodice dug in.
Running from pain was impossible,
She ran into her true love
And was shot with a lightening flash,
Deep in her soul.
She ran away again.
Back in the carriage, she realised how
Comfortable a maid’s dress was,
But the dress did not fit.
Dressed in splendorous fabric, the dress was
Too thick.
Glass slippers slip.
Was this how one finds one’s future?
Was this the Fairy Godmother’s plan?
To go through pain in order to find a man?
Pumpkins and rats were all that were left at
The end of the Night.
Cleaning no longer filled her with delight.
Running on final time, her slipper slipped.
One pumpkin lost, she no longer could trip.
Where would she go, now she no longer fit?
Cinderella sat and wept.
We all know it worked out in the end for Cinderella, as she loved the Prince. Taken by her Prince Charming to his Palace she lived, as they always do - happily ever after! So do not despair Cinderella, pick up your shoe, get a taxi home and you can get another pair in the morning.