Do you see my point of view? Do I see yours? According to Modernism yes, according to Post-Modernism, not so much! Are we in a new age where we understand each other with empathy? Something that transcends words. Does the visual transcend words? I understand body language quickly, as does animals. So do we understand each other after all?
"Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and the wrong. Sometime in life you will have been all of these." George Washington Carver

Perhaps it was not clear
To you my love
On which path
We were supposed to go,
The unbridled love
We felt led us
Down the path my dear,
To a rocky bay,
Unprotected by the warf,
Shielded only by our love,
We met,
Our love is not a secret,
But what is it made of,
What material,
What substance
Contains it
Or constitutes it,
We do now know,
Thought is in the mind
And love is in the heart,
We know this,
And yet the inescapable’s nature
Escapes us,
Yet pursues us,
Consumes us
And leaves us wasted
And complete.
Of what persuasion are you?
What lies within you,
What would penetrate
You to the core of it
And make you mine?
If I delved into you
Would I find myself in there?
In the depths of you
Is the persuader persuaded,
Pursued as you are by me?
If I perused
Would I find a heart
That was mine alone,
Even though I persue all?
I look therein
And find a glut of love.
I pick and pluck it
And devour it.
Only a king of old
Would know how I feel
Having conquered you so.
Probability says
This is not possible
And so I throw down the table
And find the truth.
"As an experienced editor, I disapprove of flashbacks, foreshadowings, and tricksy devices; they belong in the 1980s with M.A.s in postmodernism and chaos theory." David Mitchell