kiriparker9Nov 11, 2021TRIP TO WINDSOR CASTLE POEM 25As you near something, you start to see it more clearly. This is why we are told that the artistic road is one well-travelled, but that...
kiriparker9Nov 10, 2021TRIP TO WINDSOR CASTLE POEM 24When there is a battle to be fought, it must be fought with valiance and courage to be won. Whether it be sticking to a new habit or work...
kiriparker9Nov 8, 2021TRIP TO WINDSOR CASTLE POEM 23Sometimes you have to fight for what you want. Sometimes, you have to fight for what you need, even. We all have moments when you have to...
kiriparker9Nov 7, 2021TRIP TO WINDSOR CASTLE POEM 22Expressing yourself can be dangerous, as you may say what you mean. The repercussions of telling your all are sometimes too much. We see...